A big chunk of the world population earns their lively hood from freelancing job work. There are a multiple of sites providing a big pool of freelancers willing to write at damn cheap rates. This content can certainly fulfill your website with content on one hand and saving you huge dollars on the other. In following text, I am trying to recommend websites enabling both freelancers and employers content creation service come together on a common forum to trade content creation services for money. Rewriting articles comes as a solution if you are a webmaster and do not want your target audience to feel frustrated post landing on you site.

Craigslist: An online free classified advertisement posting forum to advertise your cheap content writing requirements. The local versions of Craigslist for various countries and cities enables localized classified posting.
People per Hour:It is an online bidding platform where freelance professionals place their bids for your content rewriting jobs. You are free to assign job to anyone but as a general rule job is assigned generally to one who bids the lowest.
Indeed:Indeed is online job search engine. Hence if you content creation service are posting your jobs on a popular platform the freelancers would be able to find your post and apply to you. Like any other search engine, you are advised to use different keywords to help more and more freelancer find your jobs postings.
ProBlogger:It is a job board an online board or place where bloggers or freelancers looking for job and companies looking for freelancers to hire meet and trade professional services for money.