A lot of different tips on how to develop a video chat app https://owlab.group/our-blog/post/how-to-create-a-video-chat-app-features-techstack-and-development-cost you can find here. It describes a rough algorithm of what you need to do, as well as a rough technology stack that you will need to apply. If you want video to be streamed, use a third party API, it will be very hard to develop a connection to the camera and stream the video yourself.
A lot of different tips on how to develop a video chat app https://owlab.group/our-blog/post/how-to-create-a-video-chat-app-features-techstack-and-development-cost you can find here. It describes a rough algorithm of what you need to do, as well as a rough technology stack that you will need to apply. If you want video to be streamed, use a third party API, it will be very hard to develop a connection to the camera and stream the video yourself.