A lot of different tips on how to develop a video chat app https://owlab.group/our-blog/post/how-to-create-a-video-chat-app-features-techstack-and-development-cost you can find here. It describes a rough algorithm of what you need to do, as well as a rough technology stack that you will need to apply. If you want video to be streamed, use a third party API, it will be very hard to develop a connection to the camera and stream the video yourself.
We understand that it will take a lot of effort to develop a project like this, but we really need it. Both for practice and for further communication. Maybe you know some tips?
That's an interesting problem you have. And you are good if you want to develop such an application, but the development of such an application will take a long time, and there is a big stack of technologies to apply in order to develop it.
A lot of different tips on how to develop a video chat app https://owlab.group/our-blog/post/how-to-create-a-video-chat-app-features-techstack-and-development-cost you can find here. It describes a rough algorithm of what you need to do, as well as a rough technology stack that you will need to apply. If you want video to be streamed, use a third party API, it will be very hard to develop a connection to the camera and stream the video yourself.
We understand that it will take a lot of effort to develop a project like this, but we really need it. Both for practice and for further communication. Maybe you know some tips?
That's an interesting problem you have. And you are good if you want to develop such an application, but the development of such an application will take a long time, and there is a big stack of technologies to apply in order to develop it.