Hollyhock, Alcea rosea, a member of the hibiscus family. With saucer like singles or double puffed flowers, they are a favorite for many gardeners. Looking there best when colonized in a informal area of your landscape, like along fences or buildings. There is probably no other flower that is associated with summer like the hollyhock.
Hollyhocks are a delightful old fashion favorite flowering plant and a easy plant to grow for the beginner gardener. hibiscus tea powder This short lived perennial or biennial can grow to a height of 6 feet tall with an upright form of blooms that are produced along the terminal portion of it's main stem.
This plant has a variety of flowers colors to choose from, red being the most common. The flowers of the hollyhock are produced from large buds up the main stem and the blooms remain open for a period of 3 to 4 days, during late spring to early summer.
A single flower hollyhock bloom is about 3 inches across, with a single stamen, typical of plants that belong to the same family as the hibiscus, double formed flower varieties look like a powder puff. The flowers of this plant are very fertile and produce a large quantity of seed in round, flat capsules.

This old time plant does have it's share of problems, fortunately they are a tough plant. A disease know as Hollyhock Rust, ( Puccinia Malvacearum ), can disfigure the plants leaves when severally infested. Rust is a visible fugus that starts out as a lemon yellow to orange color and darkens to a redish raised bump on the leaves. It is a common disease that is widespread and if you are thinking of growing hollyhock, you will most likely notice it on your plants. When noticed, the rusted leaves should be picked off and destroyed and as soon as the plant finishes flowering, infected plants should be cut back to the soil line and destroyed.This disease also will overwinter in cold climate areas.
Even though hollyhocks do have there share of problems, they are still are an easy plant to grow. They do best in an organic, fertile, moist, well drained soil with full sunlight, and good air circulation. Plants that are started in containers late winter will bloom in the spring and seed sown outdoors directly in the garden midsummer will bloom the following spring and reseed themselves for years to come.
A environment friendly and healthy way of gardening. Organic Gardening is away of gardening in harmony with nature. Growing a healthy and productive crop in a way that is healthier for both you and the environment.
Hollyhock flowers, with their timeless charm, evoke nostalgia and classic elegance—just like a premium Gentcreate leather passport cases. Both symbolize sophistication and durability, making them perfect companions for those who appreciate heritage and quality, whether in gardens or while traveling in style.
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