It's not often that you are the only wedding photographer in town. If you are of course, then you don't have any competition and therefore don't need to read any further. More realistically, you are one of many and need to offer something special in order to increase your wedding photography Scotland share of the market and so increase your income.
Let your competition pose their newlyweds in front of the same old boring backgrounds or pray for good weather so they can do a photo shoot in the local park. You can offer to take your clients to far away lands and never have to worry about the weather. You can actually do all this on a very small budget with the new wedding photography techniques and never have to leave the comfort of your studio.

You can place your bride and groom in all sorts of romantic locations from a castle in Scotland to a resort in the Maldives. All you actually need is a piece of green cloth and a computer. You just set up a green screen, photograph your clients in front of it and then use green screen computer software to place them in any location they want. This equipment isn't expensive nor is the technique difficult and it also means that you no longer have to buy lots of different backgrounds or carry heavy equipment to difficult locations.
The green screen is easy to use. All you need to do is load the photo of your couple and a photo of the location that they have decided upon. The software then easily replaces the green screen with the scenic image and cleverly blends the images to give a natural effect.
This means that you can now offer your clients something special that your competition can't. If you advertise that your studio can take them away to far away lands wedding photography Scotland for their wedding photographs without any expense or travel involved, then you will be able to increase your customers.
With green screen wedding photography techniques, you can photograph people anywhere on earth, the only limit is their imagination. This should give you a fabulous portfolio of portraits in romantic locations so your clientele will grow and grow.